Farm,  Harvest,  Herbs,  Lavender

What Are Essential Oils and Do They Really Work

My love affair with Lavender began shortly after having my first baby. Like so many women I went through a severe hormone change that resulted in a serious case of postpartum anxiety/depression. Being first time parents neither my husband nor I knew what was wrong with me, we didn’t make the connection between the sleeplessness, anxiety and Postpartum.

essential oil

My anxiety was so bad that I was unable to sleep and when I did it wasn’t very restful. I was at my wits end, I felt like there was nothing I could do.  I didn’t want to take anything because I was breastfeeding and I didn’t want to pass on harmful drugs to my newborn. (If you are experiencing anxiety or depression related to postpartum seek medical attention. This article is not meant to diagnose or suggest replacement for professional medical care)

No Sleep

I was so tired. My poor husband tried everything to help me relax. As I lay on the couch sobbing one night he brought out a bottle of lavender essential oil and rubbed it on my feet. For me it was a miracle, a game changer for sure. I was asleep within minutes of him rubbing the lavender into my skin. I slept deeply for hours. IT WAS AMAZING. ( Lavender did not cure my depression/anxiety, it help relieve some of the symptoms for me. It may not work the same way for everyone and should be used with the guidelines of Essential Oil uses.)


Do Essential Oils Really Work

I had always been skeptical of the essential oil craze. Who really wants to pay $25 to $75 for a tiny bottle of oil that may or may not work for you? That’s what I thought anyway. Lavender essential oil may not work for everyone the way it worked for me. But, I feel it my civic duty to tell everyone within the sound of my blog voice that it worked for me. Lavender is not meant to be used to cure Postpartum and I am not suggesting such a thing. What we use it for is a natural relaxant. It helped me calm down and relax enough to get some much needed sleep.

The Best Idea

A year later my husband and I decided that we wanted to start a Lavender farm. Naturally 🙂 We have been growing lavender plants for years in all of the places we’ve moved to.  It was our natural conclusion, having learned what worked and what didn’t in the different climates that we’ve lived in, that we should start a farm.

We started our farm small. And by starting small and using our own back yard to begin with we were able to keep start up costs to a minimum. We have invested years in research, failed and succeeded in many different lavender trials over the years. And now we want to share our knowledge with you.

lavender field

Bringing the Joy to You

We are here to help you grow the best herbs in your own garden, harvest them, and use them in any way we can think of. Lavender is so versatile (another reason we love it) and can be used for medicinal purposes, in cooking, crafting and of course a myriad of bath and products and we have all the recipes and tutorials you will need to start any of these projects.

What are some unique ways that you’ve used lavender?

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