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Top 5 Most Brilliant Ways to Save Money on Gardening

Gardening can be an expensive hobby. But it doesn’t have to be. In fact, gardening should be virtually free if you do it the old fashioned way. These top ten brilliant hacks can help you save money gardening. Here are a few different routes to take when considering a budget friendly garden.

Ask a Gardener

First, consider asking gardening neighbors for seeds or extra plants. Gardeners are notoriously generous when it comes to plants. I know I personally plant too many seeds in the spring and then I don’t have enough room for all my plants. I end up giving away seedlings every spring.

If you’re looking for perennials then for most of them you can get a cutting which a gardener would be happy to supply. Check here for how to propagate perennials.


Save Seeds To Save Money Gardening

Saving seeds instead of buying them every year is a must when you’re on a budget. Of course there are hybrid plants that won’t come back true if you save the seeds but there are so many plants you can save seeds from and save money. Herbs for example. Most herbs produce hundreds of seeds. July-September is when I harvest seeds. Just letting one of my plants go to seed usually gives me plenty to plant in the next season.


Buy Second Hand to Save Money Gardening

I am a great second hand shopper. Yard sales, Deseret Industries, thrift stores and websites are great places to find otherwise expensive tools and garden decor. It happens that gardening is one of the top ten world hobbies. Some people try it and are hooked for life, some people give up and give their tools away (luckily for us budget gardeners). So, next time you see a thrift store or a yard sale see if they have pots, hoes, clippers or even lawnmowers and tillers.

Buy the Best Brand

Now, this might sound contradictory to the last idea. Consider if you buy say, hand pruners and every few years they break because they were poorly made then you are actually spending more money in the end than if you were to buy the more expensive, yet reliable throughout the years, brand. I love our Felco hand pruners. They will last a lifetime.

Buy Plants and Seeds Online

I love being able to support local nurseries and businesses but they are not always the cheapest choice. Especially if they have no competition. It’s just the truth. So if you are trying your hardest to save money then look online for the best deal. Some online nurseries have Amazing sales and deals throughout the year. Especially at the end every season.


Build your own cages, fences and beds using pruning a from your trees. Free is always best and it is even better when you can multi-purpose anything. Check out this post to see how we make our adorable garden trellis fencing.

I hope these ideas are helpful. What are some ways you save money on gardening?

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