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Preserving Green Beans

This years green been crop has been amazing. Every other day I go out and the plants are fully loaded. On Monday Prosper and my mother and I went out to do a down to the ground picking. By which I mean we got down on the ground and picked for about 45 minutes and look at that haul!

We planted Hulk bush beans and they have been our best harvest. The beans are huge without being lumpy, starchy, and old. They are fresh and crispy and so yummy.

Because we harvested so many we had to bottle them so we can have garden beans all winter long.

You can watch the process in this video

Canning Green Beens

To bottle our beans we washed and snapped them to about an inch and put them in pint jars. Then we put a teaspoon of salt in each pint and filled it to the neck with water. Put the lids on tight and placed them in our pressure cooker.

Follow the instructions on your specific pressure cooker for best results and safety. For ours we let the pressure get up to 17.5 lbs then kept it there for 20 minutes. We let it cool until it reached zero then released the lid. Be safe please!

Beautiful green beans all year round.

For more recipes click {here}

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