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The Best Plants to Plant in Spring and Fall

Have you struggled know when to plant certain plants in your garden? If so you are not alone. This is one of our most frequently asked questions. And the answer is dependent on your area’s Frost Dates and the type of plant you are planting. However, there are some basic answers to the best plants to plant in the Spring and Fall that cover most areas.

It’s the first part of August and we are pulling up some of our cool weather crops to replant them in time for fall harvest.

When to Plant What: Spring

Every spring we plant crops in March that can withstand the cool temperatures and some even a bit of frost. These crops include but are not limited to:

Peas, beets, carrots, onions, kale, cabbage, broccoli and kohlrabi. Most importantly you need to plant what you will use. If you are not sure then start here on our basic Guide to Starting a Garden.


My grandpa was an avid gardener and had a huge garden when I was young. He taught me so many things and showed me how and when to plant certain crops. Of course as a very young kid I didn’t take in all the information so I’m glad that I have my mom as my gardening partner to remind me of the things he taught.

One of the sayings I do remember he taught is plant peas on the Ides of March (15th of March). Since I’m out planting peas at that time I usually plant my carrots, beets, onions, kale and kohlrabi around the same time.

When to Plant What: Fall

Summer Sun

By the end of July there are some crops that are just ragged looking from the heat. Even by the end of June (if we have a hot year) some of them have bolted (started to go to seed) and need to be removed.

So, in the first week in August we plant our fall crops. These include: peas, spinach, radish, lettuce. Broccoli, kale, beets, and carrots can also be planted for a fall harvest if they have been depleted for one reason or another over the summer.

There are so many crops to plant both in spring and fall. Hopefully you found this helpful for some of your crops.

What are your favorite Vegetable crop? What is your method for planting them?

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