roasted artichoke

The Best Delicious Artichoke Recipes of 2022

Artichokes are actually quite easy to grow, even in cooler climates. Artichoke is a perennial but can be grown as an annual. They can grow to heights of 20 feet but the size of these plants varies greatly depending on both their variety and location where they are grown.


I once grew a perennial artichoke in a zone 4. As long as it was on the south side of a building it was happy and healthy and usually produced an average of 12 artichokes a season.

Since discovering that I could grow this perennial in my area I grew quite a few plants and subsequently had a lot of artichoke to experiment with. So we are rounding up the best of the best recipes that we came up with here on the farm.

Spinach Artichoke Dip

My number on most favorite artichoke recipe is Spinach Artichoke Dip. It is creamy and fresh and always gets gobbled up at any party I bring it to. It’s easy and has few ingredients. It uses two yummy garden ingredients which is a win in my book.

artichoke dip


If you happen to have any leftover spinach artichoke dip (a rare occurrence here at the farm) you can always warm it up and pour it over cooked pasta. It makes the tastiest pasta I can think of. Add some chicken and make it a balanced meal.


Get a fresh loaf of french bread and make this delicious artichoke bread. Blend together a stick of butter, 2-3 garlic cloves, parmesan cheese a half teaspoon of salt in a blender to make a paste. Once the butter is the texture you need add in chunks of cooked artichoke heart and spread over the french bread and broil in the oven until lightly browned.

This is so yummy and a must try.

artichoke bread


For this soup you need your favorite earthy mushroom and some fresh cooked artichoke hearts. Start with a vegetable broth (Homemade is best but stock works good too) Add sliced onions, celery, and mushrooms. Cook for half an hour on a low simmer. Add 1 cup heavy cream, fresh lemon thyme and the artichoke hearts. Serve with small toasts and parmesan cheese.


There are so many recipes for stuffed artichoke but my favorite is stuffed with Italian sausage, cream cheese, and bread crumbs. You can substitute the sausage for crab which is also delicious.

Or try this Stuffed Artichoke Recipe from Martha Stewart.

Stuffed artichoke

These are the best of the best. I hop you try them out and share your results on social media! We love to see what you’ve made.

This is just a roundup of our favorite recipes not the full recipes.

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