The Best Epsom Salts and Why You Should Use Them
Epsom Salt baths have been used to treat a variety of health ailments for centuries. Taking a bath with epsom salts have astounding health benefits. They are an excellent way to deĀstress and detoxify the whole body.
Epsom is formed from a pure mineral compound containing magnesium and sulfate.

The lack of magnesium minerals in the body are associated with symptoms of depression. By taking ES baths daily you can relieve symptoms and reduce anxiety and irritability, and improve sleep patterns.
A forty minute soak in the tub is the best way to get ES into your body. Within the first 20 minutes of treatment the salts pull toxins out of your body through the skin. The second 20 minutes allows for the absorption of minerals to occur.

Tips for Getting Maximum Benefit From Your Epsom Salts Bath
- The addition of lavender into the bath water can help you relax and sleep better. For example, add 5 drops of lavender essential oil and 1 cup ES.
2. Many people enjoy a combination of epsom salts and baking soda for helping to detoxify the body. Add 1 cup baking soda to your bath along with the epsom salts.
3. Make sure to drink water to rehydrate after taking a bath of any kind!! For instance drink 1/2 your body weight In oz. to rehydrate adequately.

Fill your tub full of steamy hot water, sprinkle in some bath salts and bask in the luxurious feeling of taking care of YOU. Read a good book, listen to some calming music or just meditate. In other words you deserve a relaxation day.
What is your Favorite Essential oil to add to the bathtub?