Bath and Body,  Farm,  skincare

Why You Should Try Blackberry Oil for Glowing Skin

Blackberry seed oil is becoming increasingly popular in skin care products these days due its numerous beneficial properties. This unique oil is rich in antioxidants that work to neutralize free radicals, protect skin from environmental stressors, and repair damaged skin. Additionally, blackberry seed oil is a great source of essential fatty acids, including linoleic, oleic, and palmitic acids, that help boost the flexibility and resilience of skin.


Blackberry seed oil is high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids can effectively nourish your skin and reduce inflammation. In addition to antioxidants and essential fatty acids, blackberry seed oil contains vitamin C and E to promote collagen production and reduce oxidative stress. The oil also has a high concentration of zinc and selenium, minerals that help repair and protect skin.

Blackberry seed oil helps improve the appearance of skin by maintaining hydration. It has a medium-to-high level of linoleic acid, which is known to replenish moisture reserves in skin cells. Not only does it keep your skin hydrated, but it also helps protect it from drying out when exposed to harsh environmental elements.

Grow it yourself

Blackberry seed oil is also involved in cell regeneration and skin repair. Because of its high vitamin C content, blackberry seed oil helps to rebuild collagen levels and strengthen cell membranes. This results in improved elasticity and skin firmness. Additionally, the oil can help balance skin tone and minimize the visible signs of aging.

Finally, the oil has anti-microbial properties. Blackberry seed oil contains ellagic acid, an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agent that helps keep bacteria and germs from breaking through the skin’s protective layer. This can help reduce your chances of developing skin infections and blemishes.

More than one way to use blackberry

Overall, blackberry seed oil has a variety of positive effects on your skin. It can help protect against damage, reduce signs of aging, nourish skin, and even protect against microbial infections. If you’re looking for an effective skin care product with multiple beneficial properties, blackberry seed oil is worth considering.

What you need to make your own oil from your garden

  • Blackberries
  • dehydrator
  • carrier oil (avocado or jojoba are my favorite)
  • grinder


Get as much juice off your berries by pressing them through a strainer. Once you’ve reached a point where you have mostly seed and no fruit lay that on a parchment paper and put it in your dehydrator.

Once completely dry place seeds in a grinder with some carrier oil. Strain once again and get all the benefits of having a beautiful blackberry oil you can use in lotion, serum, or just on its own.

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